Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 2: Veg Cuts

First week of class in the kitchen! Officially the first day was the week prior, which was all lecture consisting of an introduction to the class and showing us where everything was, where the kitchen was, etc. This week we actually got to get out our knives and start slicing and dicing. :) We practiced our knife skills with carrots. Every class we are responsible for making the following cuts with carrots:
  • Squared
  • Batonnet
  • Small dice
  • Diamond
  • Triangle
  • Julienne
  • Brunoise
  • Tourne
 The tourne was a beast to do (The middle oval shaped carrot piece). It's a 2 inch piece that has 7 sides making it look football-like. I've never used a paring knife in a whittling motion which is what the tourne requires. My tourne leaves something to be desired as you can see. At least it's football shaped!

The instructor came by and carved himself a tourne to show me in half the time it took me to do.

So, over the weekend I was on a mission. I'm going to master this football shaped carrot if it's the last thing I do! Now I have an army of football carrots. Just in time for the Superbowl, eh? :)

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